Monday, June 11, 2012


The FUBAR Float
This whole pride weekend (that started on was so fucking Amazing! Jonny McGovern KILLED Stripper Circus, HEDON was a blast, Lil Kim broke my heels @ HYPE and Allusia & Lexi rocked the only looks @ Hooker Casino.

Yesterday will go down as the best Pride I have had to date, and it probably was because i started drinking @ 10am (lol)

I LIVED on that FUBAR Float Honey!

Billy "RICH" Francesca RULED the Mic @ The Festival.

I lead the bouncing Andrew Christian Parade through the Festival to what now is the LEGENDARY Summertramp campgrounds!

Hu Hu Huney! When I tell you the LAPD Shut down the party, they shut it down. why? Because it was TOO FUCKING FIERCE TO HANDLE... & Guess what I caught the magic on film!

**Major KUDOS to Andres Rigal & Luke Nero for delivering!


I hope you had a Fun, Safe & Happy Pride

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