Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Top Ten Q & A: Sahara Davenport

Sahara Davenport, Drag Extraordinaire and is the Dancing Diva of RuPauls Drag Race: Season 2! Trained in Ballet, Jazz and Modern dance, this Harlem princess is determined to prance her way to the finish line. But will “Her Regal-ness” be able to let loose and prove there’s more to her than the perfect pirouette?

Join RuPaul and Sahara on Logo's second season of "RuPaul's Drag Race," the ultimate drag queen competition. Each week, through the trials and tribulations of glam, glitter and show-stopping performances, one drag queen is eliminated until finding America's next drag superstar. Let’s get to know one of our own favorite performers on a personal level. Let me reintroduce you to Sahara Davenport.

Where did your drag name Sahara Davenport come from? The name "Sahara" was inspired by an entertainer in Texas who I truly admired when I first started drag, Sierra (as in desert). I thought that she was amazing and had to be just like her. Davenport is my family name (Texas).

Who/ What inspired you to do Drag? I've always enjoyed dressing up. As a child, Halloween was my favorite Holiday. I also grew up in a family full of women, so drag was the perfect way to exercise all of the feminine "isms" and airs that I'd acquired as a child.

Why did you audition for RuPaul’s Drag Race? There aren't a lot of opportunities for drag queens outside of schlepping and working in bars. People are always saying, "You're too good for this" or "You deserve bigger!" However, they weren't offering me contracts or casting me in any shows. RPDR was a platform to showcase my talents and share my story with the world.

What do you think it takes to become Americas Next Top Drag Superstar? First and foremost, you've got to believe in yourself and know who you are. Second, determination and talent will get you far. If these things don't work, I've heard that "putting out" is the way to go (ask Shangela).

What is your favorite song to perform? Why? It changes from time to time. Right now, it's Destiny Child's, "Happy Face".

What is the hardest thing about being a Drag Queen? It’s not being perceived as a legitimate artist. I have gone on tons of auditions where casting directors would rather cast a clueless "actor" before they'd cast a real queen (who is actually capable of doing the job aesthetically and artistically).

What is the best part about being a Drag Queen? I'm a six foot tall man who gets paid to wear fierce women's clothes, exude femininity, and entertain. At the end of the night, people get me and want more!! Amazing.

What would you be doing if you weren’t doing Drag? I would still be an entertainer. It's in my blood and I love it.

Describe a Sahara Davenport experience in 5 words. One not to be missed!

What is next for Sahara Davenport? I've been collaborating with Vogue Evolution from ABDC [MTV’s Americas Best Dance Crew] (look out for us) and writing a one woman show that will play in a theater this Summer. Otherwise, I am still traveling, performing, and auditioning for the next big role.

Visit Sahara’s Official Website to find out where she’ll be next!

*Watch RuPaul’s Drag Race on Logo, Mondays @ 9:00PM!

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